According to a forecast prepared by Stela Bokun with Pyramid Research year 2013 to be a breakthrough for mobile system Windows Phone. This is the first time the system Microsoft Windows Phone to beat the system Google Android in terms of market share. Both the phones with the system BlackBerry OS and Apple iOS according to forecasts, will remain far behind the two leading players.
The current dominance of the system Google is to break the alliance’s Microsoft with Nokia. According to the announcement to the market to find cheap phones equipped with Windows Phone 7. Changing the operating system installed in mobile company Nokia predicts quick end to the system Symbian. What you see in the attached image.
Bardzo ale to bardzo optymistyczne prognozy 🙂
Korzystam z WP7 na codzień, zarówno w telefonie prywatnym, jak i w pracy, pisząc na niego aplikacje i nie byłbym taki pewien 🙂