You should start working at your one million dollar application. The revolution which has begun few years ago is still pushing us forward. According to Gartner in this year [mark]821 million of new smartphones[/mark] will be bought. In next year this number will increase by 45% to [mark]1.2 billion[/mark]. In 2012 smartphones will take 70% of whole new mobile phone sold at market. In the nearest future almost all of us will carry smart phone in a pocket.

The second branch of mobile market that have not conquered market are tablets. Sales of this product in this year should reach 13 million. Gartner predicts that in 2016 year total sell will be four time higher – [mark]53 million[/mark].

The presented data show that year after year the mobile application market is being fed by a large number of new potential customers. For this reason, every self-respecting manufacture of systems for mobile devices has already created it owns app store.

And now we – the developers, the visionaries – what we should do to not miss the rinsing opportunity. Money are lying on the street, you have just pick them up. To summarise I would like to mention two facts. Let’s think about Angry Birds. Only in one day – 25th December 2011 – this game has been downloaded 6.5 million times. For the whole 2011 the number of downloads reached 500 million. In this same year the game which cost 100 thousand euro provided 100 million dollars revenue for Rovio Mobile.