Theme My Login 6.2 translation
From today there is a new translation for the plugin Theme My Login version 6.2. All interested persons are welcome to download.
From today there is a new translation for the plugin Theme My Login version 6.2. All interested persons are welcome to download.
Currently uses a theme blog LightWord. Language files contained in it were drawn up in 2009 year. Since then peel it was substantially modified. Continuing the battle with the English language on my blog again I translated this skin. Later in the news, you can find Polish language files for skins LightWord. […]
Last weekend I found some time again, to compete with a blog. Like the previously decided, that reduce the amount of unnecessary English language on the page. This time we went to plug wallpaper OpenID. It is used to enable logging system using OpenID. This allows users to log on to several blogs using the same password. Later in the news, you can find Polish language files to the OpenID plugin for WordPress. […]
In the end I found I took a little time for correcting defects in the blog. First off was a problem with the lack of Polish letters in the window for logging. And as it turned out bad translation plugin Theme My Login. For those interested I put in the rest of news translation files for download. […]