Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


My first million – InfoMEET

I would like to invite you for my presentation that would be conducted on Saturday (26.10) on InfoMEET in Wrocław. During the presentation I would like to share with you knowledge about how to earn money from mobile applications creation. Despite the fact that I work with Windows Phone most of the time, I would like to show common topics for all platforms. After the lecture you should have knowledge about how to plan and realize new mobile application creation project. [shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="252298"]

There is still far way to mobile revolution

Polish society is using more often new technologies. Tablets and smartphones are not luxury devices any more. Those kinds of devices try to start revolution in our houses. In particular, we can see an example of such revolution in new start-ups. Many new start-up aims to create a new mobile product. Unfortunately not always everything goes as it is planned. New start-ups try to help us with daily’s duties, e.g. to order taxi, food, tickets, …. In such scenarios the most important thing is a reliable business partner. But not only. […]

By |2013-09-25T11:24:42+02:0024 September 2013 |Categories: Other|Tags: , |2 Comments
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