Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl



I thought a lot how to start this post. Then I had a problem with it title. Finally I decided to use one simple word – Passiveness. This is character trait that scary me the most. We think that IT industry will consume any number of specialist but this is not true. There are some people that would like to change something in their life – job, project, … but… They are not able to do that. They stick in the same company or project. And they are doing nothing to change that. You can try to ask them – [...]

By |2017-10-23T23:24:26+02:0024 October 2017 |Categories: Careers management|Tags: , |0 Comments

Is it now time for a change?

Career is a great topic for different kind of guides. Let’s be serious. I wonder how often are you thinking about it? Do you have plan for it or maybe do you have defined some milestones? And finally do you monitor your career? This topic can be seen as trivial. I have a job which I am happy with. Moreover my position is set there and I am in my comfort zone. First problems occur in situation when you are trying to change your job. It will be more dramatic in each situation when you will be forced to do [...]

By |2017-07-04T18:46:51+02:005 July 2017 |Categories: Careers management|Tags: , |1 Comment
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