Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


MTS 2012 – Questions

After our session on MTS there were two questions. I think that those questions need some comment. We were not 100% sure of answers, so we said that it will be the best to make some test and check how the phone will behave. We didn’t have possibility to do this on MTS, so we have done it now. The results confirmed our answers. […]

By |2013-06-10T13:51:17+02:007 November 2012 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Software development|Tags: , |0 Comments

MTS 2012

Only few days left to start of MTS conference. I hope that everybody who wanted to join the conference have managed to register on the presentation that I will have pleasure to lead – [mark]The devil is in the details – building high-performance applications for Windows Phone[/mark]. It will start at 14.30 in second day of the conference. It will be placed in room E. During the presentation I will try with my friend to convince the audience that the micro optimisations can significantly improve application performance. We will show two examples that have been taken from real projects and [...]

By |2012-10-26T13:20:45+02:0026 October 2012 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Other|Tags: , |0 Comments

Improving WP7 application start-up

Windows Phone application must pass certification criteria. You can find two of them that are strictly connected with application start-up time: [list icon=”check”] the application should show first screen of application in less than 5 seconds. Of course this can be splash screen, the application should respond to user actions no later than 20 seconds after launching. [/list] You might wonder if this is a lot. From my point of view it is very difficult to overcome these two limitations. However, if we look at application from user’s perspective, waiting 20 seconds for start of application can be terribly annoying. [...]

By |2012-09-25T07:17:45+02:0025 September 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments

Measuring memory usage in Windows Phone

One of the biggest gaps in performance counters is the lack of information about current memory usage. One of the requirements for the certification of applications on Windows Phone 7 is limitation to 90 MB memory usage by an application for phones with less memory than 256 MB. At the moment there is no phone on the market that meet this condition. Theoretically, we should not worry. However, according to the information from Microsoft the next generation operating system Windows Phone Tango should already allow for the production of low-budget phones with less memory. […]

By |2013-06-10T13:55:40+02:0012 March 2012 |Categories: Testing|Tags: , , , |3 Comments

Windows Phone performance counters

When you are creating application you should always remember about its performance. Application should run smoothly, information about the change progress, response to user actions, etc. In the case of mobile platforms, this problem is even more serious. We are used now, that computers have more powerful multi-core processors, large amount of memory, or fast disk. What was once important in the software development process – the effectiveness of proposed solutions – are often not taken into account. Now, shortcomings in the code are being compensated for by efficient equipment. […]

By |2012-05-26T12:07:01+02:004 March 2012 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |2 Comments
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