Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Mobile application – there is no problem with its development but how can I sell it?

Right now everybody can develop mobile application. It is not a problem to find somebody how will do it even for us. The cost of needed tools and knowledge is so low that more people are trying to create new mobile application. And then they are trying to sell it. At the beginning it seems that selling mobile application is quite easy task. But it is not true. I find confirmation of that sentence in emails. Quite often I get emails with similar question about sale model of mobile applications. In most cases the question is as following: [...]

By |2017-11-19T15:07:19+01:009 December 2013 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: |2 Comments

How to sell applications for Windows Phone 7

Today I want to move on selling the applications written for Windows Phone 7. It seems to me, that each person creates any software wants, in addition to the satisfaction of doing something useful, obtain financial benefits. Depending on the model of sales, there are different ways to make the applications developed. However, the, in the case of phones with Windows Phone 7 the most common are the following two: ads, sales of Windows applications Phone Marketplace. In this article I would like to address specifically the second way – sales application Windows Phone Marketplace. […]

By |2013-06-10T14:01:07+02:0029 June 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |6 Comments
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