Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Chrome 116 and the Kyber Connection: A New Era of Quantum-Safe Browsing

In mid-August, something fascinating unfolded with Chrome, and it's something most of us probably overlook - the application change log, especially when it's related to a web browser like Chrome. With the installation of Chrome 116 on your machine, you'll now be tapping into the world of quantum technology 🧩, specifically quantum-resistant cryptography. Google is steadfastly advancing its strategy to protect data against potential attacks by quantum computers. Version 116 has added support for X25519Kyber768, a mechanism that establishes symmetric secrets. It's a hybrid blend of X25519, a widely-used elliptic curve algorithm in TLS today, and Kyber-768, a quantum-resistant Key [...]

By |2023-08-23T08:41:59+02:0023 August 2023 |Categories: Quantum computing|Tags: , |1 Comment

Mobile applications – how to not be robbed

Robbery – most often we connect this word with money. When we are talking about robbery in Internet we think about dishonest sellers, swindlers, tricksters or stealing money from bank accounts or coping data from credit cards. The last two elements are not occurring quite often, but are loudly commented in news. […]

By |2013-12-02T10:11:21+01:002 December 2013 |Categories: Mobile applications|Tags: , |1 Comment
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