Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Useful value converters

Value converters – small pieces of code that are very useful in case of binding some values in XAML. Without them some types of bindings in XALM would not be so easy. We use them in Windows Phone, Silverlight or WPF projects. In most cases for each new project I copy the most important converters to solution. For me the most important are: [list] string / Uri to BitmapImage bool to Visibility Color to SolidColorBrush String + StringFormat [/list] Please click more to see implementation of the following converters. […]

By |2013-06-10T13:49:37+02:007 May 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

StringFormat, XAML and Windows Phone

Daily work with the platform Windows Phone brings many surprises. Very often you can meet with the situation, that many things are unspoken in the documentation and the programmer must by himself discover how something works. Update Mango for Windows Phone introduced a new version of Silverlight for platform. This update has added the ability to use StringFormat the data binding in a file XAML. Using this additional option is very simple: <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Value, StringFormat=Currency: {0:c}}"/> After this line you should see the number formatted as a currency. The result when you run this code do not fully [...]

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