Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl

unit tests

FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension version 1.10

I just managed to publish a new version of the package FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. This package allows you to write unit tests for Fluent Validators in a more effective way. The major change introduced in the latest version is support for FluentValidation 10. More information about the project is available on GitHub.

By |2021-08-03T20:27:50+02:003 August 2021 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Moq.EntityFrameworkCore version

I just managed to publish a new version of package Moq.EntityFrameworkCore. This package allows you to write unit tests in the project that are using EntityFrameworkCore package in a more effective way. With version  following changes have been introduced: support for EntityFrameworkCore v5.0 extension of mock strategy to support sequential mocks More information about the project is available on GitHub.

By |2020-11-30T09:27:11+01:0030 November 2020 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Moq.EntityFrameworkCore version

I just managed to publish a new version of package Moq.EntityFrameworkCore. This package allows you to write unit tests in the project that are using EntityFrameworkCore package in a more effective way. With version  following changes have been introduced: extension of package support to objects that do not have DbContext as a based type More information about the project is available on GitHub.

By |2020-06-30T19:14:22+02:0030 June 2020 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension version 1.5

I just managed to publish a new version of package FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. This package allows you to write unit tests for Fluent Validators in a more effective way. With version 1.5 following changes have been introduced: support for the new version of FluentValidation (>8.4) More information about the project is available on GitHub.

By |2019-05-12T09:45:40+02:0012 May 2019 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , |0 Comments

FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension version 1.4

I just managed to publish a new version of package FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. This package allows you to write unit tests for Fluent Validators in a more effective way. With version 1.4 following changes have been introduced: new verifiers that check the configuration of EnumValidator, MaxLengthValidator, MinLenghtValidator, ExactLengthValidator, ExclusiveBetweenValidator and InclusiveBetweenValidator support for .NETStandard 1.6 and .NETStandard 2.0 More information about the project is available on GitHub.

By |2018-07-01T22:23:57+02:001 July 2018 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension version 1.1

I just managed to publish new version of packgage FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. This package allows you to write unit tests for Fluent Validators in more effective way. With version 1.1 following changes have been introduced: support for new version of FluentValidation 7.* new verifiers that check configuration of ScalePrecisionValidator and RegularExpressionValidator. More information about project is available on GitHub.

By |2017-06-04T18:35:41+02:004 June 2017 |Categories: Projects, Testing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Speeding up AutoFixture

I already mentioned about AutoFixture in one of the posts – Lightning talk – Autofixture. Main goal of this library is to help us with reduction of Arrange part of unit tests. With this library we can focus on the main scenario of unit test instead of focusing on building objects that are needed for test. Moreover AutoFixture will protect us against modification of classes that are being used in our unit tests. But it is not perfect. Sometimes duration of unit tests can increase dramatically. Especially when you are creating objects used by EntityFramework. […]

By |2017-01-31T21:34:37+01:001 February 2017 |Categories: Testing|Tags: , , |1 Comment


I would like to introduce a new small library that I published – FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension. Main purpose of this library is to extend and simplify possibilities of testing code that is using FluentValidation package. You can install it by nuget: Install-Package FluentValidation.Validators.UnitTestExtension or download it from GithHub. One of approach of testing Fluent rules is presented in FluentValidation wiki page. You can find there information that FluentValidation comes with two extension methods ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor and ShouldNotHaveValidationErrorFor that can make it easier to write unit tests for validators. […]

Unit tests – materials from trainings for quality engineers

I would like to invite you to familiarize with materials from training about unit tests. This training has been prepared as part of my work duties in Objectivity Bespoke Software Specialists. The main goal of this training was to learn quality engineers that work in Objectivity how to write unit tests. The training has been divided into two parts: Unit Tests - The Beginning – this is an introduction to unit tests; you will learn: what unit tests are, how to develop them correctly, how you can cooperate in project to build better unit tests, how unit tests work. Unit [...]

By |2017-01-18T21:54:10+01:0019 January 2017 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Testing|Tags: , |0 Comments

Lightning talk – Autofixture

I would like to encourage you to download and go through presentation from lighting talk about AutoFixture library. Main purpose of this library is to minimize the ‘Arrange’ phase of unit tests in order to maximize maintainability. Presentation is available on GitHub – AutoFixture - Lightning talk. You will find there description of main features of this library. Moreover, presentation contains short comparison AutoFixture with other available solutions. Of course on GitHub you will find code used in presentation.

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