I started my adventure with public talks in 2012. From that time I tried to share my knowledge with smaller and bigger groups of people. A lot of such events have more private character and because of that have not been included in the following list.

Right now I am trying to attend more often to conferences. So please let me know if you like to hear my talk about topics familiar to me. It could be great if I could share my knowledge with people during a local group meeting, online group or also during a conference. Of course, there is a possibility of conducting workshops.

I encourage you to contact me!!!

You can find list of my speeches below the photos.








  • I am writing a good code – how you should protect code quality in your project? – InfoMEET Katowice 2017 (Katowice)
  • My first million – how you can make your mobile app profitable – InfoMEET 2017 (Wrocław)
  • Serverless Azure


  • NFC in Windows (Phone) – 4Developers 2013 (Warszawa)
  • My first million – how you can make your mobile app profitable
    • 4Developers 2013 (Warszawa)
    • InfoMEET 2013 (Wrocław)
  • Gamification in mobile worldSmartDevCon 2013 (Katowice)


  • The devil is in the details – building high-performance applications for Windows Phone – Microsoft Tech Summit 2012 (Warszawa)