
Do you know that 2,1 billion people had a smartphone in 2016? It is about 30% of the entire human population. It means that every third person in the world is our potential customer. In the same year, mobile application market grows to 44,8 billion USD. It is estimated that it will double until the 2020 year.

Have you ever think to become part of this revolution? It is not so difficult, you need only to plan how you should do it correctly.

During this lecture, we will go through mobile application creation process – from the beginning till… You will learn what is the end of this process during lecture. Please remember that development of the mobile app is the easiest part of the entire process. It would be great if it is enough to conquer the mobile market, but unfortunately it is not so easy. You will need to think about different aspects and I would like to point out the most important one.

I believe that people who already developed mobile application will also find interesting information for them that will allow improving number of downloads, profits or reviews of their application.

