Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Ask Me Anything with Scott Hanselman

This time I am sharing a video that has been recorded with Scott Hanselman. Together with Piotr Rogala we conducted an ask me anything session with Scott. I believe that there is no need to introduce Scott to anybody. Just grab a coffee and a nice watching.

By |2021-12-19T19:24:14+01:0019 December 2021 |Categories: Cloud|0 Comments

Low-code – how you can win in the new reality

This time I want to invite you to watch a recording of talk about low-code with Matusz from Suez Polska. Mateusz will tell the story of how Mendix has been introduced in Suez Polska. What were the main challenges of this process, what applications they build and what Suez Polska achieved?

By |2020-09-06T21:17:46+02:005 October 2020 |Categories: Conferences / Presentations, Low-code|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Hands-on Azure DevOps – 4Developers Kraków 2019

During this recording, you can learn how to use Azure DevOps for Azure environment provisioning, a compilation of application and releasing it to cloud. Also, you will learn what the blue-green deployment is and how to configure it in Azure DevOps.

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