1. Please download the application to your device –  Lab 1 - Sample webApp
  2. Please create WebApp in Azure
  3. Please deploy the downloaded application to your WebApp
  4. Try to open your web page
  5. Please correct WebApp settings
    1. Make it working always.
    2. Change environment to production – check if correct name is visible on the page
  6. Create a deployment slot
    1. Configure that deployment slot will have a different setting from a production app
    2. Change the title of your application and deploy to slot
    3. Set that 20% of traffic will be handled by application deployed on slot – check if your setting is working
    4. Swap slot to production and move whole traffic to the production
  7. Set up backup – once per day
  8. Scale-out application
    1. To three instances and check if it is working
    2. Set up autoscaling of your application
  9. After exercise, please remove your application