Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Windows Phone applications testing

Testing is a wide topic. Each developer has own point of view on this issue. Therefore, I do not want to take part in topics related to the ideology. But I want to share a little discovery. Recently reviewing my tracked resources I found a solution, which enables the automation of tests on the platform Windows Phone 7. One drawback of this solution is limited to testing only on the emulator, but on the other hand, during the automatic testing that are made on build server the phone will probably not be connected. The second drawback is the use of [...]

By |2020-12-20T23:38:43+01:003 February 2012 |Categories: Testing|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Free tool for testing code coverage – PartCover

In the course of writing the code is already accustomed to this, that you should write tests in parallel. Approaches, when and how to write tests is much. The choice we have too few available test frameworks, but not what I wanted to write. In this article I want to touch on the test code coverage testing. […]

By |2012-05-20T07:13:22+02:007 February 2011 |Categories: Testing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments


Recently I discovered a new function to define your own code templates. This functionality is very often used by programmers, but can work wonders. In writing a business application always comes a time, that you need to write code to write data to the database, as well as their reading. In this case, 90% code is the same. First, read the column number, which stores data in such. SQLDataReader. And then we build on the basis of data objects. When reading data from the database should be programmed as the situation where there is a null. And this usually works [...]

By |2013-06-10T14:06:16+02:0030 November 2010 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |1 Comment
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