Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday|mail@jankowskimichal.pl


Telerik – a few words about controls

I think that everybody knows the Telerik company – the provider of controls packs for different platforms. Beside of controls, the company also have some additional tools that can help developers in their daily work. But let finish talking about company. This entry should be written and published a long time ago, but always there were other more important issues. Right now I have two products of Telerik – [mark]Windows Phone[/mark] and [mark]Windows 8[/mark] controls packs. I will be honest I still haven’t used the controls for Windows 8. But their time will come in the future. [...]

By |2013-04-22T07:02:24+02:0022 April 2013 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Debugging Visual Studio

Today I will try to describe the technique used rarely to find bugs. It involves the use of second instance Visual Studio to find errors in the first. Looking at the last sentence, you can begin to think about how to look for errors in Visual Studio can help you find bugs in our program. It should be realized, that really Visual Studio incorporates our code. And our goal is to trace the activities of this code. […]

By |2012-06-15T18:21:54+02:002 November 2011 |Categories: Software development|Tags: , , , |2 Comments
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